Nebula was my first sculpture in a series I am developing where I try to have a concept embedded in the piece rather than just make a decorative statue. She represents the beginning of the world, the big bang, she is made of stardust. Although nothing existed at that moment, the rules of physics existed then that have made us what we are now. She is being blasted into existence almost unwillingly.
Domestic Goddess
Domestic goddess is my second piece; the figure stands with a real towel draped over her crossed arms. The viewer then is invited to take the towel or not and consider how women are used in art and whether she is your servant. She will be cast in chrome and have a heating element embedded in her so the sculpture could function as a towel rack but the intention is to set up a dialogue about how women are represented in art.
My third work in the series is a life sized figure sitting amidst fruit in a bowl which is 3 times life size. I intend to represent a traditional still life composition. The figure will match the forms of the fruit and make a harmonious grouping. This is a lighter-hearted piece meant to represent the moment of fertility of ripeness in nature. There will be a odd effect with the use of the two scales in the work.
My fourth sculpture is inspired by the slave carvings of Michelangelo. In his works the figures are uncompleted and the man is trapped in the block. If they could stand they would be taller than the original block of stone. My work is an unusual pose suggesting intense emotion expressed by the model, this sculpture is about the models feelings, she is not there in the usual passive, submissive here I am for you traditional stance.